martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Leptine & How to Increase It (The Hormone of Hunger),


Leptin is a hormone secreted from fat cells that helps to regulate body weight. The name leptin is derived from the Greek word ‘leptos’ meaning thin. It is sometimes referred to as the ‘Fat Controller’.

Alternative names for leptin

There are no other names used for the hormone but the gene, which encodes leptin, is known as the 'ob' gene.

What is leptin?

Leptin is a hormone released from fat cells in adipose tissue. Leptin signals to the brain, in particular to an area called the hypothalamus. Leptin does not affect food intake from meal to meal but, instead, acts to alter food intake and control energy expenditure over the long term. Leptin has a more profound effect when we lose weight and levels of the hormone fall. This stimulates a huge appetite and increased food intake. The hormone helps us to maintain our normal weight and unfortunately for dieters, makes it hard to lose those extra pounds!

How is leptin controlled?

Because leptin is produced by fat cells, the amount of leptin released is directly related to the amount of body fat; so the more fat an individual has, the more leptin they will have circulating in their blood. Leptin levels increase if an individual increases their fat mass over a period of time and, similarly, leptin levels decrease if an individual decreases their fat mass over a period of time.

What happens if I have too much leptin?

Obese people have unusually high levels of leptin. This is because in some obese people, the brain does not respond to leptin, so they keep eating despite adequate (or excessive) fat stores, a concept known as ‘leptin resistance’. This causes the fat cells to produce even more leptin. This is similar to the way people with type 2 diabetes have unusually high levels of insulin, as their body is resistant to the effects of insulin. The cause of leptin resistance is still unclear.

What happens if I have too little leptin?

There is an extremely rare condition called congenital leptin deficiency, which is a genetic condition in which the body cannot produce leptin. In the UK, there are only about four families affected by this genetic condition.
Absence of leptin makes the body think it does not have any fat whatsoever and this results in uncontrolled food intake and severe childhood obesity. In addition, leptin deficiency may cause delayed puberty and poor function of the immune system. This condition can be well treated by leptin injections, which cause dramatic weight loss.

How to Increase Leptin

Part 1 of 3: Eating the Right Way
  1. Increase Leptin Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    Limit your fructose consumption. Time to let science reign supreme: fructose inhibits your leptin receptors.[1] No two ways around that one. You may have plenty of leptin in your body, but if it can't be picked up and identified, it won't do you any good. So cut out the fructose -- namely, high fructose corn syrup -- to let your body do its job.
    • The main culprits here are processed goods. Fructose is often used as a cheap sweetener in sodas, cookies, and other sweet snacks that litter many a kitchen cupboard. So the simplest way to cut down on your intake is to make sure that whatever you're eating is something that's never been near a packaging plant.
  2. Increase Leptin Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    Say no to simple carbs. It's about high time we get used to this idea, huh? The fact of the matter is that simple carbs (refined, sugary, and generally white) spike your insulin levels, which in turn leads to resistance and messes with your leptin production. So white bread, white rice, and all those delicious baked goods that are calling your name are now on the no-no list (that's the technical term).
    • If you do have carbs in your diet, make sure they're the good kind: whole oats, quinoa, and some whole wheat pastas. The browner, the better -- it means they haven't been stripped of their nutrients and color during processing.
  3. Increase Leptin Step 3 Version 2.jpg
    Avoid severe calorie restriction. Some people will tell you to cut out carbs pretty much entirely. You can do this if you so choose, but be sure not to send your body signals that it's starving. If you're not getting enough nutrients, your body will start shutting down and your hormones will get all sorts of out of whack. And to top it off, you'll need massive amounts of will power because you'll be so hungry. Not a good setup for success.
    • Yes, losing weight is good for leptin production. When you're at a healthy weight, your hormones regularize (in a normal situation, of course). If you're overweight or obese, it's a good idea to get on a diet plan -- just make sure it's healthy, balanced, and something you can maintain for the long-term.
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    If you are on a no-carb diet, have a refeed day. If you decided to make the leap to the Atkins/raw/paleo diet and you have pretty much nothing in the realm of carbs day in and day out, have a refeed day. Your body needs the carbs to fuel up and to realign itself and give your metabolism that awakening jolt it's been craving. Aim for 100 -150% more than normal on that one day and then resume your diet as normal.
    • This is good for motivation, too. It's pretty impossible to avoid pizza for the rest of your life, but when you know you can have it on Saturday, it's easier to say no on Wednesday. There's a reason some people call this a "cheat" day!
  5. Increase Leptin Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    Don't yo-yo diet. Seriously. Don't do it. It just messes with your metabolism and messes with your hormones, leaving a permanent mark. And you wind up gaining the weight back and then some! So pick a diet that is sustainable and healthy. Plenty of research points in the direction that diet is what makes or breaks you -- your body can't afford to have bouts of starvation between bouts of junk. It just can't keep up.[2]
    • While you're at it, don't crash diet either. This will help you lose weight (at least initially, sure), but it won't help your leptin levels at all. You'll get rid of toxins for now, but the second you stop drinking only lemonade and Sriracha, they'll all come busting down your doors with a fiery new vengeance.

Part 2 of 3: Eating the Right Foods

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    Eat a protein-packed breakfast. This gets your leptin levels going right outta the gate. Your body will be fueled up for the entire day, keeping you feeling fuller, longer. So skip the doughnut (four cream puffs later and you're still asking what's for lunch) and go for eggs and lean meats.[3]
    • When it comes to leptin, cereals have gotten a bad rap. They're full of lectin, which actually binds to your leptin receptors, keeping leptin from being able to do its job. It's like when your roommate is in the bathroom, only they never, ever leave.
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    Go fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are super good for increasing your body's sensitivity to leptin, making it more receptive. And they're great for your heart and cholesterol levels, too.[3] So load up on salmon, mackerel, herring, and all that delicious, flaky sea fare.
    • Grassfed meats and chia seeds are good for Omega-3s, too. What you don't want are Omega-6s -- vegetable oils, conventional meats, and grains. These lead to inflammation and reduce leptin levels overall.[4]
  3. Increase Leptin Step 8.jpg
    Eat lots of leafy greens, fruits, and other veggies. Fruits and veggies (especially ones like spinach, kale, and broccoli) are jam packed with nutrients and yet have few calories -- that means you can eat a ton, fill up fast, and not see it on your waistline. Since leptin has a lot to do with weight control, having a diet high in these foods means you're doing your part, taking care of your body yourself.
    • Fiber is also great for leptin levels, mainly because it keeps you feeling full -- and generally fiber-rich foods are natural and good for you in other ways, too. Peas, beans, lentils, almonds, raspberries, broccoli, and oats are all great sources.[5]
  4. Increase Leptin Step 9.jpg
    Skip sweeteners and snacks. As for the sweeteners, those are just an extra artificial flavor zing that you don't really need. In fact, some people go as far as to say don't use commercial soaps and deodorants to avoid putting toxins in your body.[6] How far do you want to take it?
    • As for the snacking part, it's generally believed that your body needs to reset itself; if you're snacking constantly, it can't really do that. But if the snacking bug hits and you can't resist, aim for a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts to curb the craving.
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    Go for foods high in zinc. Studies have shown that those with leptin deficiencies also usually have zinc deficiencies -- and strangely enough, obese people generally have them, too.[7] So combat this phenomenon by loading up on spinach, beef, lamb, seafood, nuts, cocoa, beans, mushrooms, and pumpkin.[8]

Part 3 of 3: Having the Right Lifestyle

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    Destress. When we're anxious and strung out, our body ups our production of cortisol. That cortisol then messes up the rest of our hormones, including leptin. If you've heard of stress eating, you'll understand the connection. So if relaxing is something you don't remember how to do, make it a point to relearn. Your leptin levels depend on it!
    • If it's not already part of your routine, experiment with yoga or meditation. They've both been shown to have relaxing effects, leading to better sleep and lower cortisol levels. Don't knock 'em till you've tried 'em!
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    Get some zzz's. This gets straight to the source: sleep regulates your leptin and ghrelin levels (ghrelin is the hormone that tells your body you're hungry). Not enough rest and your body starts producing ghrelin and not producing leptin. So hit the hay in time to get about 8 hours every night.
    • To make it easier to do, cut out using electronics a couple hours before bedtime. The light tells our brains that it's important to stay awake and thus we feel more alert. Cut them out earlier and your brain will know it's time to go to bed.
  3. Increase Leptin Step 13.jpg
    Don't exercise too much. Crazy. Never thought you'd hear that, huh? But yep -- there's such a thing as cardio burnout when it comes to leptin. Too much cardio (the endurance, long-lasting kind) raises cortisol levels, increases oxidative damage, systemic inflammation, depresses the immune system and decreases fat metabolism. None of these things is good for you! So take this as an excuse to skip the gym once in a while -- indeed, too much of a good thing is bad.[9]
    • For the record, some cardio is fine. HIIT (high-intensity interval training) or any interval training at all, really, is very, very good for you. But our ancestors didn't need to run for hours on end and neither do we. If you're looking to work out, go in bursts and keep it fun. No need to stress yourself out about it.
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    ...But be sure to exercise a little. On the other hand, leading a sedentary lifestyle isn't good for you, either. So when you do hit the gym, stick to cardio interval training (running for a minute, walking for a minute in 10 or so cycles, for example) and some weight lifting. You want to be healthy and relatively fit -- not a skinny couch potato.
    • Make it a point to be active naturally. Instead of forcing yourself to go to the gym, go for a hike, go to the swimming pool, or initiate a basketball game with friends. Exercise doesn't have to be "exercise," you know? At least it doesn't have to feel like it!
  5. Increase Leptin Step 15.jpg
    Consider medications. There are currently two medications on the market right now that can deal with leptin: Symlin and Byetta.[10] For the record, they're actually on the market to fight Type II diabetes, but leptin is a part of that. If you think you're a candidate, talk to your doctor. Only he or she can point you in the right direction.
    • Your doctor can test your leptin levels. If something's off, they'll be able to see right away. However, the first thing they'll tell you is to work on your diet and your lifestyle; there is no easy way out (like a medication) when it comes to this hormone regulation.


  • Adopt portion-controlled eating methods.
  • It is important to increase leptin because the hormone plays a crucial role in weight loss. The hormone regulates appetite by inhibiting the overproduction of appetite-promoting hormones. Therefore, it is a natural appetite suppressor. Leptin also plays a big role in maintaining your body mass index, and works hand-in-hand with Adiponectin, to combat metabolic syndrome.
  • See a doctor if you think you have leptin resistance. A person exceeds about 300 pounds in weight might have leptin resistance, so see you doctor to determine the possibility.

  • Always consult your physician before engaging any exercise plan.

  • The most effective and safest dosage of African mango, a new purported (and questionable) way to increase leptin is only 250 mg a day.

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